Therapeutic Devices + Technology

Used in Lymph Cleansing Sessions

Lymphstar Pro Fusion® from Arcturus Star is an exclusive, innovative wellness technology for over 2 decades that enhances detoxification and health by improving lymphatic circulation using gentle and safe resonant and harmonic frequency and energy on the skin of the client. This vibrational energy encourages the body to release toxins and accumulated fluid and proteins between the cells [interstitial spaces]. As it improves lymphatic fluid flow, it also works on the acupuncture meridian systems and points, clearing blockages and restoring balance.

Used in Lymph Cleansing Sessions

  • Physical vibration with low-frequency sound waves.

  • Applies a mild Electrostatic Energy Field (EEF) with low frequencies of proprietary electrostatic and subtle energies.

  • Dynamic wave pulses create harmonics and additional pressure waves. 

  • Lymphatic vessels resonate and are then energized. The result is a profound release of excess fluids, toxins, ions, and biofilms present within the tissues and organs drained by the lymph system. Combined with the PHIT (Photo-Harmonic Induction Technology®) head provides additional support with vibration, frequency, and light.

  • Developed and manufactured in the USA.

Image source from:

  • EEF is the electrostatic field that pulsates at microamperes (millionths of an ampere) at less than 1000 Hz. The EF Field is generated through medical-grade glass applicators with noble glasses enclosed (argon, xenon, etc).

  • Creates physical vibrations with acoustic pressure waves at low frequencies of under 1000 Hz.

  • The oscillations are a propriety design called Sweep Pulse/Dynamic Wave Pulse (SD/DWP).

  • The wave pulse creates vibratory energy at the molecular level.

  • All energies are non-thermal (not produced by heat) and safe for most persons [see contraindications below].

  • The EEF works with the sympathetic contractile forces of the lymph circulation as shown in a scientific study. For a description of this mechanism of action: The Crowley Study performed by Thomas Eugene Crowley, PhD. Emeritus Professor of Anatomy.

PHIT Eclipse Multi-Chromatic Head

  • All-purpose energy and balancing modality are used in conjunction to support and amplify the Lymph Cleansing process of the Lymphstar Pro Fusion via Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs) in the red, blue, and near-infrared range for optimal wavelengths. A cluster of 26 red LEDs creates a powerful field of monochromatic light and has an internal antenna that emits 4 specific high frequencies heard at the cellular level, bringing them into balance, treats scar tissue areas, over organs that need attention, injuries, liposuction, reduces stress and more.

  • Provides a therapeutic cascading spectrum of light, sound, and harmonics to increase circulation and reduce pain, skin, and sub-dermal issues. Impacts the energies in the interstitial spaces resulting in more fluid reduction. 

  • “This multi-chromatic modality is a multi-tasking piece that reaches well beyond just the lymph system and the immediate area worked on. The specific light frequencies help to reduce congestion and discomfort in the tissue and joint spaces, as well as balance hormone production throughout the body. The high-frequency antennae used in the Eclipse help to accelerate its work, making the use of the Lymphstar modality much more effective.”

 Various information: © Copyright Arcturus Star Products LLP, 2018, All Rights Reserved.

What Clients Say

Please note:

We do not offer treatment for those with the following health conditions.

  1. Stroke, congestive heart failure, or other serious cardiovascular conditions.

  2. Pacemaker / Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) / Implanted medical devices.

  3. Active cancer.

  4. Unexplained consistent calf pain.

  5. Pregnant or may be pregnant.